Types of roulette, as well as their probabilities

Different roulette strategies have different odds of winning overall and the odds of success for each one. Come in and try out pile your skills and strategies in playing roulette at our online casino.

By applying certain strategies you can learn how to win.

 Let’s take a look at the three most popular roulette strategies and consider their probabilities! 

European roulette indicators

The European roulette wheel consists of 37 slots, each of which can be hit by a ball. One of the slots is zero, and the others are represented by numbers from 1 to 36. This version has about a 2.7 percent house advantage. Even money bets, which have a probability of about 48.65 percent and odds of 1:1, are some of the most popular bets. Some of the best are the European roulette predictions.

American Roulette Scores

American roulette has two zero slots, 0 and 00. The seemingly minor change increases the house advantage to about 5.25%, making it one of the most profitable roulette variants. Since mini roulette and triple zero have higher house advantages, that’s not the worst of it.

For example, betting on red or black has a 48.65% chance of hitting the European layout, but this drops to 47.40% on American tables where the odds remain constant at 1:1. Unsurprisingly, many players prefer the odds of European roulette given the reduced probability.

French roulette rules

French roulette and European roulette have the same board structure and the same odds. Although there are additional rules to this variant, they will have no effect on the probability of playing roulette. For different bets, such as a straight bet on a single number, the odds are identical with a probability of 2.70% and a potential win rate of 36 to 1. In short, the payout odds on European tables are identical to those on French roulette.

 At Winshark online casino you will play among the best in different versions of roulette, feed off the knowledge from our blog and interact with players and win!

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